The average whole artichoke, not just the edible heart, weighs from 280g to 450g.
Since a werewolf is a legendary or fictional creature, its heart can weigh as much or as little as the current story requires.
Big Brown, the racehorse, weighed around 1,200 pounds during his racing career.
Even if an organ is enlarged, it does not necessarily mean that it weighs more than the average weight of the organ. The weight of an enlarged heart would have to be determined by an autopsy. The average weight of the human heart is between 250 and 350 grams.
280 mg
As much as your heart's desire
it weigh's about 200 pounds
They are about 5'9 and weigh 120
the heart ways anywhere from 168 grams to 336 grams
100 tonnes
An average model weigh about 110 Ib.