not sure but i think that they continud the lap over and the first one to finish would win
phar lap
Phar Lap!
In 1956 to phar lap
Answer: San Fransisco
phar lap
He was loved because he was an Australian race horse.
Phar Lap
Phar Lap was a pure bred Thoroughbred gelding from Australia and New Zealand. He did not have any Quarter Horse breeding in him whatsoever. Though, many Quarter Horses have Thoroughbred in the lineage. Phar Lap was a tall, athletic, chestnut race horse that had a very large heart and great courage. in order for a horse to race it must have pure thoroughbed bloodlines. pharlap had no quarterhorse in him
Phar Lap. One of NZ's best horses ever in the world
You lap someone in a Nascar race.
Just a wonder horse Known on every course From Australia to USA We're sad old chap That your long lost Lap Has come and you've gone away Though there may be other champions Your memory will always be new Oh your last race is run Why everyone Says Phar Lap Farewell to you
up to 12 years