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Q: How long does it take for a race horse to run a mile?
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How long does the belmont horse race take?

About 2 1/2 minutes.

What time will it take for a horse to walk a mile?

The amount of time it will take a horse to walk a mile will depend on the horse. It will depend on the age of the horse, the speed in which it is walking, and if it is carrying a person or trailer with items on it. The horse walks an average of about 4 miles per hour.

How long does it take a horse to travel one mile walking at 10 miles per hour?

one tenth of an hour, or six minutes.

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If you are cycling moderately it will take 5 minutes for a mile.

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What are things all about Race Horses?

Well race horses can only race for about 5 years, because there heart cant take much of it eventually t a certain point. if the horse is not well rested or has been worked to long while its running on the track the heart could burst.And the horse would die. I have a race horse his name is Jackie Lad hes fast but he still could have some problems along the way.

What is a syndicated racehorse?

"Race horse ownership syndication is basically where you purchase shares in a professional race horse. Owning a syndicated race horse is not completely as it sounds as you may own a part of the horse, but you generally share it with quite a few other people too. Race horse ownership syndication is something which a lot of people take part in and it is a way for both you and the syndicate owner to earn money."

How long will it take a mile long train going 15mph to get completely through a mile long tunnel?

for minutes and 1 sec.

How long does it take to travel a mile at 65mph?

55.4 seconds per mile at 65mph

What is a claim in horse racing?

A claiming race means that a horse may be "claimed" by another owner/trainer for the stated claiming price for that race. The claim takes place before the race is run. The new owner must take possesion of the horse after the race is over. This prevents an owner/trainer from putting a realy good horse against lower quality horses. Nobody wants to get $5,000 for a horse worth $20,000.