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a throughbred can run at speeds up to 50 mph

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Q: How long can a thoroughbred run?
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Is a wild horse mustang faster than a thoroughbred in captivity?

It depends. Sprinting, it might be unless the thoroughbred is bred for racing. then the thoroughbred might win. in a long run, the thoroughbred would win

Who is faster standard bred or thoroughbred?

The wild horse because they have something to run away from and the Thoroughbred is made to run. A Thoroughbred will actually be faster. Mustangs along with most other breeds of horse run at about 18 to 25 MPH. A Thoroughbred was bred to run and they will run without being made to, they can reach speeds of 35 to 50 MPH.

What is the second fastest horse?

it depends for how long because a quarter horse can go faster then a thoroughbred but only for so long as a thoroughbred can go for very long as this breed is famous for racing.

How fast do Thouroughbred Arabians run?

There is no such thing at a Thoroughbred Arabian. There are Thoroughbreds, Arabians, and Anglo-Arabians ( Thoroughbred crossed with Arabian). So assuming you meant Purebred Arabian they run at speeds of 18 to 20-25 MPH.

What are facts about Thoroughbred foals?

Thoroughbred foals come into the world like all other breeds of horses. The gestation for horses is 320 to 340 days average. Thoroughbreds are tall horses and a lot of newborns may weigh a little more than smaller breeds which is about 100 lbs. at birth. Thoroughbred foals have very long legs and from almost the minute they are born they love to run, which is exactly what they were bred to do. Thoroughbreds usually have a bigger lung capacity so they can run longer distances. The American Quarter Horse is faster than a Thoroughbred but only for a quarter mile. The distance belongs to the Thoroughbred. Generally speaking, these horses are amazing athletes and one of the most beautiful breeds.

What is the difference between a Thoroughbred and a Thoroughbred X?

A Thoroughbred is a registered breed, while a Thoroughbred X (literally 'Thoroughbred cross') is a mixed breed with Thoroughbred blood present.

How fast can a thorough breed horse run?

It depends on the distance being raced but in general a Thoroughbred can run between 35-50 mph.

How is a Quarter Horse different than a Throughbred?

The Thoroughbred was used in the developement of the Quarter Horse and it is still a big influence in the Quarter Horse industry today. If asked, most people know about the Thoroughbred as the world's fastest breed. But only for long distances. The Quarter Horse is faster than the Thoroughbred for short distances, such as a quarter mile race. Think of the Thoroughbred as a long distance runner as compared to a sprinter, the QH.

What make the Thoroughbred horse famous?

Horse racing. People loved watching the beautiful, fast thoroughbreds run.

Can a mustang run in the derby?

No, only Three Year Old Thoroughbred race horses registered in the Jockey Club of America are eligible to run in the Kentucky Derby.

What is a Thoroughbred's speed?

An average thoroughbred running speed is 35mph. Most could maintain 33 to 37mph over reasonably long distance.A rare few well trained thoroughbred quarter horses have been capable of reaching 55 to 57mph in short bursts.

With his chiseled head long neck and deep chest Pianoforte was the of a Thoroughbred racehorse?
