most standard breds can go a mile in 1:51:4 which is a minute 51 seconds and 4/4 seconds
Good ones do a mile in 2 minutes or less.
walk, trot, pace,rack,canter
The breed is an American breed. people raced their trotters and pacers and bred for speed. Eventually any horse that could trot or pace at or faster than the "standard" was eligible to be entered in to the Standardbred registry.
If you are riding a "fast horse trot" it could be a lengthened or an extended trot. That is referring to the actual length of stride a horse is making at that trot. "Collection" is the exact opposite, basically, of a fast trot.
(Assuming this question contained a typo, it has been corrected from 'What is a stranded bred?' to 'What is a Standardbred?') Also known as the American Standardbred, this horse was originally developed in America from several different breeds including the Thoroughbred, the Hackney and the Morgan. It was bred specifically as a harness racing horse with 2 types, (the trotter and the pacer), however, the breed has also shown finesse in other events. Because of its athleticism, the Standardbred is commonly seen in hunter/jumper events as well as dressage. The name Standardbred comes from the 1800's because back then, the horse had to be able to trot a mile within the standard time of 2 minutes and 30 seconds in order to be registered as an American Standardbred. Today, they are able to trot even faster. The Standardbred closely resembles the Thoroughbred but is normally a little heavier and more muscled with slightly longer bodies than the Thoroughbred. The American Standardbred is not to be confused with the American Saddlebred, a different registered breed.
Standardbred are not known for the gait called the rack and are not bred to do it. Generally Standardbreds trot or pace. Saddlebreds are a notable racking breed.
Harness racers may be called Harness horses as a general term. They have two gaits, the pace and the trot. Trotters trot, and Pacer's pace. They could also be called by their individual breeds. In the USA only the Standardbred is used for racing. In other countries they have other breeds such as, but not limited to, Orlov Trotters, Russian Trotters, French Trotters and a few others.
a working trot is a trot between a collected trot and the extended trot. It should be energetic and have good forward motion, not 'pokey', but should not be 'fast'. Just a good active pace relative to your horses motion.
It is a faster pace than trot, but with lessons and eventually learning collection, you will be able to eventually slow your horses canter to the same speed as an extended trot. Try lessons, but this will take a while to achieve.
If you are riding a "fast horse trot" it could be a lengthened or an extended trot. That is referring to the actual length of stride a horse is making at that trot. "Collection" is the exact opposite, basically, of a fast trot.
Possibly dont post as high One thing that Clinton Anderson does is just trot them until they learn to conserve their energy and trot slower. He actually uses this for a slow lope, but it works at the trot too. you could also do transitions. Trot a few strides (less than 5) then walk for a bit, then trot, then walk, then trot, then walk. This gets the horse so that he doesn't build up sped because he knows that he will have to go to the walk very soon. You could also try troting ina round pen. The smaller enclosure will kind of shut the horse down. Horses are more inclined to go fast when in an open area, and the opposite is true. You could also use poles. If you place them shorter than your horses normal stride, she will have to adjust himself to take shorter strides and therefore trot slower.
When horses do extended trot they extend their front legs extend further and the back legs come under them more. A collected trot isn't quite as big and/or fast.