A wooden bat that has a horse shoe on the end that you use to beat people up.
A turned up horse shoe (so it looks like a shoe) crossed fingers
Toe down and heels up so that the luck doesn't run out.
A horse shoe is traditionally hung with the ends up. This is to hold or keep the luck in. Hanging a horse shoe with the open side down is not so much bad luck as it is to let your luck run out.
Paddle the foot with cotton, and tape or wrap it up tight until you can get to a ferrier.
If you are hanging it on a wall or something you put it so the open side is up. Like a U
eeh who would want a cockroach as a PET?? i KILL them with my SHOE!
The past tense word for shoe is shod, you can even look it up in a dictionary. shoe is not a verb so it cant be in past tense but can have a past tense verb ex: i am wearing the shoe= i wore the shoe i have a cool shoe= i had a cool shoe [i have a cool pair of shoes= i had a cool pair of shoes] Shoe is a verb, as in shoe a horse, past tense shod
If a horse throws a shoe while you are riding, it's best to dismount and walk the horse back to the stable or trailer to prevent any further injury to the hoof. Avoid riding the horse without a shoe as it can cause lameness or other issues with the hoof. Contact a farrier as soon as possible to replace the lost shoe.
phone lines, traffic, shoe laces, boat, rope, dog, horse
If you are just excerisng your Horse/Pony in the arena, dismount immediately, and lead your horse out to untack him and call the farrier. If you are on a Hack and you are far from home, use your mobile phone to call anybody you know with a horse box to come and pick you up, then phone the farrier. Never continue to ride a horse if it has thrown a shoe, is is most likely to damage the hoof more severly. You need to make sure that the shoe is completely off and that there are no punture wounds on the sole or frog of the foot from the nail. If the shoe is still partially attached you need to completely remove it, which may require a pair of shoe pullers. You should keep a well fitting boot on the hoof to protect the bare foot until the farrier is able to see your horse. If you are riding, walk the horse back to the barn, don't ride.
...When i was wee I covered it in horse posters and I'm quite good at drawing so i did drawings of horses and stuck em' up! Depends on how old you are, i guess! I'm sure if you want to go all out and completely cover it in horse related stuff, then there's the option of going crazy with giant horse toys, horse ornaments, horse pillows and bed quilts, etc... I still have a horse shoe hanging on my wall from years ago. I just put a horse shoe shaped bit of cardboard on the back of it and tied a bit of string around it then put a photo of my old pony between the shoe and cardboard. Hey presto!