Bet high on low and mid odds. Low odds are usually the most likely to play. Don't be preoccupied with "999" and those numbers, they are just distractions; they play one out of a million times. BET SMALL..... WIN BIG!!!
There is one in a casino in Gatineau Quebec , across from Ottawa
yes you can on face book on Sega games
Yes, it did actually
no i play it and not even it dosent
Sorry, but hacking is bad! If you hack any Sonic game, Microsoft, or Sony will detect it, tell SEGA. SEGA will look at your account and ban your console. If the hack is letting you cheat in the game, SEGA could take you to court, and you would pay a hefty fine! So don't hack games!
no they did not - sega president
The Sega consoles and video games were designed by the Sega Corporation. The Sega Corporation was founded by David Rosen.
No. Sega Genesis games can only be played on a Sega Genesis or Sega Nomad, and some other consoles with Genesis compatibility.
Nope, so stop trying to cheat, SEGA is warning everyone, that if they cheat they will shut off your system and charge you a alot of money,and might even take you court! ObsoleteSonicRules2's Reply:Stop lying so SEGA will not shut off your system and charge you alot of money ,and might even take you court! If you do not stop lying about stopping to cheat at SEGA games or else they will shut off your system and charge you alot of money and,might even take you court or else im gonna call cops to arrest ya (the liar guy) for lying about cheating sega games lol chill out! XD I am not sure if theres an action replay. You might have to talk to somebody who works with action replays or hacks nintendo games. I am not sure. But after 20 years of SEGA having games with no cheats I highly doubt it. The only cheat I know of is in sonic 1,2,3, and 3 sonic and knuckles. But those were all just level select cheats. Pretty useless unless you like battling final bosses.
Sega's population is 2,600.
The population of Sega is 2,009.