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the people in the top box have a sheet with all the names and numbers of the horses

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Q: How do horse race callers know the names of all the horses?
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Do horse owners know that their horses are being sold to slaughter?

some horse owners do not know and some are aware of what is happening to their horses.

What kind of horses are there on horse isle?

There are many horses on Horse isle you can look up anything you need to know about the horse for the game in the Library.

What is Horse known for?

Spain is know for horses

Do horses in the wild have names?

actually many do know there names I know a horse named coco if you put her out to pasture and call her name she will come trotting over. Or if you walk up to a horse's stall and say their name many with lift their heads.

What are all the names of McLain Wards Horses?

I know that one of the horses is Saphire but i dont know the rest

How do you know when you have bought a horse on Howrse?

Your money goes down and the horse appers in the My Horses tab.

F you decide that all horses are green and then try to find a green horse you are expressing?

Confirmation bias, which is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses. In this case, by deciding horses are green first, you might overlook any evidence that contradicts this belief and focus only on finding green horses to confirm your initial assumption.

How do you change a horses name on My Horse Club?

To change a horse's name on My Horse Club, first ensure that you have the necessary in-game currency or meet any requirements set by the game. Navigate to the horse's profile or settings page, where you should find an option to edit or change the name. Follow the prompts to input the new name and save your changes.

Are horses herbivores how do know?

Yes horses are herbivores, because did you ever see a horse that eats meat? You ever see a horse eat steak?

What are Miley Cyrus' horses named?

Well I only know 1 of there names and that name would be ''blue jeans''.

Could this horse really be 34?

Horses can live to be that age, I know a horse named Ginger and she is 38

What foods do people get from horses?

Ummm. I don't know, HORSE MEAT!