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you hover over profile>my job> then it should tell you what equestrian center you work for and it should have a link. just read the paragraph

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Q: How can you look up the Equestrian Center that you work for?
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How do you make forums for your equestrian center on howrse?

Click on equestrian centre, then the office, then set up forum.You do it through the link on the bottom of your E.C.'S office page.

How do you get into a equestrian center in Howrse?

To enter an equestrian center, wait until your current board ends and then click on the "board my horse" option to the top right of his page. Select from the list that comes up, or type an EC name into the search box to find a place at a specific center.

Can you put your horse in your own equestrian center yes or no?

Yes Just click 'board horse' and type in the name of your equestrian center, it will come up. It is free but then other people have less room to board so your EC might not make as much money.

How do you set up an ec forum in howrse?

You go to: Equestrian Center → Office → "Forum" tab → click "Activate the Forum," and that should be it. :-)

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They need to have a certain skill level. Then go to the equestrian center and sign them up.

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Look around in people's EC forums for a topic about how to set up a good EC.

What are the equestrian centers on Howrse?

Once you reach 20 days registration on Howrse, you have the option of opening up an equestrian center. This is a place where you can house horses and charge a fee for doing so. You can also grow crops to sell and make mashes with.

What are the best riding stables in London?

Mitchelswood equestrian centre in Newick near lewes not in london!! ;) look up the website

How do you take a horse out of a equestrian center?

To "kick a horse out" its box needs to be destroyed or its stay must finish. You can move one horse each day so you can try and move it to your most damaged box and then not nrepair the box. You do end up with one less box though. Or you can just wait for its stay to end and refuse and extensions it asks for. Hope this helps

What are good names for a horse equestrian center?

If you are talking about the game howrse...they can be doesn't even have to do with horses if you want. It might help to go and look at some other equestrian centers to get ideas.

How do you choose a new equstrian center for your horse on Howrse?

It is not possible to change equestrian centres. You must wait until your board is up. Otherwise you may follow the directions in the link above.

How old do you have to be to work at guitar center?

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