In the US, we use the parimutuel system which means that the betters set the odds by the money they bet. The more bet on a horse, the lower the odds. The favorite has the most money bet on him while a longshot is a horse with very little money bet on him.
In horse racing the odds are determined by the bets placed. Betting stops when the race starts. These determine the final odds.
According to most "experts" the best odds are the pass line bet and come bet, or don't pass and don't come bets.
One can find more information about 'odds comparison' by visiting the Oddschecker website. This website provides odds comparisons as well as free bets, stats and tips.
Several companies offer free bets when you sign up. Some of these include odds checker, bet fred, free bets no deposit, and betting-directory. The free bet depends on the website you sign up with.
By multiplying the odds together eg for fractional bets.. 3/1 x 4/3 x 7/2 x 5/1 = 70/1 or decimal bets.. 4.50 x 3.33 x 2.00 x 4.35 = 130.37
A bookie is someone who takes bets from people for a living. He will illegally take bets on sporting events and will pay out to those who win and collect from those who do not. The odds, like in most gambling are in the bookies favor.
Final Jeopardy! for Wednesday, April 1, 2009 (Winner: Daniel Stauss - $25500)Category: Betting TermsAnswer: This word is from the custom of hiding bets in a hat before odds were announced.Question: What is handicapping?Final Jeopardy! for Wednesday, April 1, 2009 (Winner: Daniel Stauss - $25500)Category: Betting TermsAnswer: This word is from the custom of hiding bets in a hat before odds were announced.Question: What is handicapping?Final Jeopardy! for Wednesday, April 1, 2009: Category: Betting Terms Answer: This word is from the custom of hiding bets in a hat before odds were announced Question: What is handicapping? Final Jeopardy! for Wednesday, April 1, 2009: Category: Betting Terms Answer: This word is from the custom of hiding bets in a hat before odds were announced Question: What is handicapping?
Payouts are generally expressed in terms of a $2 bet. If the Show price was $4.70 then you should have received $47 since you had the equivalent of 10 $2 bets. Odds are not shown for place and show bets.
It means "it's a sure thing" odds have changed to 1 and 1 , why would anyone bet on it . It's a slang statement.
Depending on where you place your bets your odds are changed accordingly. You have a 1.111 to 1 chance of winning if you bet on Red, Black, Odds or Evens and a 37 to 1 chance if you choose to bet on individual numbers.
The odds of conceiving a baby boy are around 51%. This puts the odds of having a boy or a girl about equal. Gender is determined before fertilization when the gametes cells join.
There is no "official' list of odds anywhere. At each track the handicapper(s) take their best guess and these are the odds printed in the program. But the betters set the real odds with their bets. The more money bet on a horse, the shorter the odds. Basically, at the track, all the money bet goes into a pool. The taxman and the track take their cut and what is left is the money that can be won. There is a sum of money (a pool) for first, a pool for second and a pool for third. A bet for second pays if the horse comes first or second. A bet for third pays if the horse finishes first or second or third. Bets with off track bookies are different. You are quoted odds at the time you place your bet and regardless of what else happens, if you win, you get paid at those odds.