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if a horse has long legs it will have large strides which means it will have a fast trot but it could be lazy and go slow now a little horse could have fast trot too because it will have small strides so they would lots of little strides really quickly but then again it could just be lazy i hope ive answered your question , beautifulbeauforever :)

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15y ago
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13y ago

There is no particular speed for the trot. All horses move at their own pace. However, the trot is a fast walk and also the horse lifts its legs up higher. The walk is like a bump de bump de bump but the trot is like a bump da de bump da de bump da de. Sorry that "bump" stuff is weird but that's the only way I really knew how to explain it.

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13y ago

it depends on the size of the horses legs , a horse with long legs generaly doesn't have a fast trot but a horse with shorter legs will be faster because if the horse with long legs is trotting it's legs will bring them farther because of their length but a horse with short legs will not go as far at the same speed. but sometimes a horse goes slow because they are just lazy. i hope this answers the question the way you wanted it to :) grace

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15y ago

The trot is a two time pace in which the horse moves on alternate diagonals, left hind and right fore together, followed by a moment of suspension before the right hind and left hind fore make ground contact. The trot is hardest for a rider to learn because the horse bounces from one diagonal to the other, but it is the most used pace, since the horse trots over long distances. The rider should change from one diagonal to the other at regular intervals to put equal weight on both pairs of legs.

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13y ago

Horses can travel upwards of thirty (and some, even forty) miles per hour. They cannot sustain this pace for long, though. A horse can gallop a couple of miles at full steam, but the same horse can canter (or lope) much farther. Trotting (either a fast trot or a jog trot) isn't a bad way to travel, but you don't get very far very fast. Faster trotting is tiring to the rider as well because you are posting (rising up and down out of the saddle on alternate beats).

It all really depends on the breed, fitness and stride length of the horse.

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13y ago

It comes naturally. its kind of like jogging for humans. trotting is the second slowest gait. The two diaganol legs both go forward at the same time.

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14y ago

most horses trot at 12 miles a hour

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Q: Horse trotting speed
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What is the fastest speed recorded of a trotting horse?

There are alot of world records and for the fastest horses. I read about one name Rydsky's Hamblitonian. He had a great great great great grandfoal and she ran with Greyhound. I would think that Greyhound was the fastest but im not sure.

What is another word for jogging?

Running, Speed Walking, Trotting.

What is the average speed of a horse while jogging?

do you mean trotting ? i assume your American that's y u call it jogging around 5-10mph Alice 15yrs riding expericae

What is are horse's gait?

A horse's gait refers to the specific way in which it moves its legs while walking, trotting, cantering, or galloping. Horses have different gaits that vary in speed and footfall patterns. The main gaits are walk, trot, canter, and gallop.

How do you build muscle in a horse's leg?

You build muscle up on a show jumping on by doing light runs, and gradually getting quicker, so the change in muscle mass is not to dramatic. Feed them plenty of vegetables. They also need to be jumped often so that their muscles are used to the way they jump!

Does the breed of the horse determine their speed?

Yes, there are some horse breeds that are bred solely on their speed.

What does a walking trail horse mean?

A walking trail horse is simply a horse that you can take on trails at a walking speed. That's the literal meaning of the question; but as a trail rider and author of Basic Training for a Safe Trail Horse I would say that "walking trail horse" refers to a gaited breed of trail horse like the Tennessee Walker. TW's are the most common of walking horses, but there are many other gaited breeds that perform comfortable gaits that can be described as a "walking" gait. Many of these gaits are performed at speeds comparable to the gaits of trotting or cantering in non-gaited breeds.

Do horseshoes affect the horse's speed?

yes it does affect the horse's speed because without it they will not run fast as they can if they had horseshoes

What is the average running speed of a raising horse?

I do hope you mean racing horse. An average speed for a Thoroughoutbred race horse is 40 miles per hour.

How fast can a tobiano paint horse run?

Tobiano, being a color pattern, matters not on the speed of a horse. A Paint is derived from the Quarter Horse. At best, the fastest run given by a Quarter Horse at a quarter mile race was 55 mph. Although, this is the clocked speed from a race horse with impeccable conformation and breeding for speed. But an average horse at a full gallop typically has a speed of 35 mph.

What does gait means?

it is trotting,cantering,galloping,and running even walking is a gait because the horse steps 4 beats. There are four gaits referred to in horsemanship...the walk, trot, canter and gallop. These are determined not only by speed, but how the horse places its hooves down during the gait (3 beats or 4). When you hear someone refer to a horse as "gaited", it means the horse does not trot. This typically refers to "smoother" horses such as the Tennessee Walker, but is not limited to breeds like this.