If by "put down" you mean euthanize, No, the majority of races are run with no loss of life to the horse. It is a rare instance that a hose suffers a catastrophic injury resulting in them having to be put down.
Depending on the work of the horse, a horse should be shod about every 2 months. Every 6 weeks if the horse is worked more. Some race horses are shod new for every race.
Breaking your maiden in horse racing means that you won your first race. Your maiden race is every race you enter until you win a race.
"Brought down" in horse racing means that the horse was disqualified from the race due to: a) a stewards' inquiry or; b) a jockey lodged an objection and upon review of the race it was determined that the "brought down" horse interfered witht another horse during the course of the race. All wagers placed on the horse that is brought down are forfeited and redistributed to bettors who have the horse that legitimately finished in his/her place.
I am a retired Jockey that had to rate horses in a race every day. It's not something you can just write down for others to read as it is different with every horse. So really the only sensible answer is ti ride him/her as you find them. That's what most Trainers will tell you. "Ride him/her as you find him/her.
What a stupid question...those six horses would of course beat a single horse if they were of equal strength, but the single horse would beat the 6 horse chariot if it was very strong and the 6 horses were fat and ugly like you.
No. As of May, 2009 Sheik Mohammad from Dubai is a thoroughbred race horse owner who has won every horse race in the world except the Kentucky Derby.
for most horses yes but every horse is different so it depends on the horse
A single ticket picking the winners of first and second race of the day
You just have to work with your horse a lot. The best option is to get a high skilled horse and enter it in the race every day until the race runs on it's own.
when you enter a horse in a race to find out when it ends follow these steps 1. go to my horses 2.click on the horse you entered in the race 3.scroll down 4. and on the left hand side you should see somthing that says history. and it should say your horse has entered a race if the race isnt over. and if the race is over it should say race ended your horse has come in 2nd place. hope this helped