Louisville does not have Amtrak service. You can connect with the Cardinal from either New York or Chicago in Indianapolis to take the Amtrak Thruway Bus service provided by Greyhound Lines to get to Louisville.
111 miles
WKYI ::: its an independent station in Louisville, Kentucky
Louisville Kentucky..
The address of the Cane Station Historical Association Inc is: 510 Tiffany Lane, Louisville, KY 40207
louisville, Kentucky louisville, Kentucky
Dwight - Amtrak station - was created in 1891.
Norman - Amtrak station - was created in 1909.
Kissimmee - Amtrak station - was created in 1883.
Alliance - Amtrak station - was created in 1990.
Hanford - Amtrak station - was created in 1897.
Gilman - Amtrak station - was created in 1986.
Wasco - Amtrak station - was created in 2006.