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They take a tractor that has a contraption attached to it with spikes and drive around the dirt or synthetic track in between races. They will often have two or three out at a time. On the turf tracks they have people that go around the whole track and will look for loose pieces of turf.

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Q: Do they plow race tracks with a tractor?
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What is a tractor plow?

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The plow is similar to the tractor!! I hope you get good advise from this!

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The snow plow attachment is purchased separately from the John Deere tractor. You can buy the plow attachments at the Deere's website:

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It is used for digging soil out. Today we use tractor instead of a plow.

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When you plow using the tractor, you plow 4 cells of lot or 4 lots and it cost 15 coins per lot. So that's 60 coins when you plow using the tractor.

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It is a tractor because you can do anything with a tractor but you cant with a race car.

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Plow fields of course, when hooked up to a tractor or a team of draft horses.