It depends. I'm training my Rocky in barrels and she's really good at making the sharp turns and has more speed on her than most Rockies. But you'd have to look at the individual horse instead of the breed as a whole.
No, it is just a breed.
There not wild if that's what you mean. If they live with others of the same breed it's because the owner has more than one Rocky Mountain Horse.
Rocky Mountain Horses can be many colors, but are often a chocolate-brown color with a flaxen (cream) mane and tail.
It was the Texas Rangers
Rocky Mountain Ponies
they wer stopped being bred
Rocky Mountain Horses range in height from 14.2 to 16.0 hands. This is the breed requirement.
Rocky Mountain oysters are made from sheep's testicles not a horses. And they are typically deep fried.
If the owner keeps them with other horses than yes, they do. Rocky Mountain Horses are not a wild breed. Just as a Quarter Horse can share a pasture with an Arabian, the RMH will live with whomever his owner decides.
they eat grass growing in the rocks.
Do horses eat meat? No, it's an herbivore.