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Q: Can a greyhound out run a thoroughbred horse?
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Who is faster standard bred or thoroughbred?

The wild horse because they have something to run away from and the Thoroughbred is made to run. A Thoroughbred will actually be faster. Mustangs along with most other breeds of horse run at about 18 to 25 MPH. A Thoroughbred was bred to run and they will run without being made to, they can reach speeds of 35 to 50 MPH.

What make the Thoroughbred horse famous?

Horse racing. People loved watching the beautiful, fast thoroughbreds run.

Who would win a short race between a greyhound and a thoroughbred?

If it was a short race Thoroughbred would have won but the type of Thoroughbred matters.

Is thoroughbred male horse bigger than thoroughbred female horse?

That depends on the pedigree and bloodlines of the horse

What is the largest racing horse?

The largest racing horse is a thoroughbred. Secretariat is a thoroughbred for example

Is a wild horse mustang faster than a thoroughbred in captivity?

It depends. Sprinting, it might be unless the thoroughbred is bred for racing. then the thoroughbred might win. in a long run, the thoroughbred would win

When was Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society created?

Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society was created in 1906.

How fast can a thorough breed horse run?

It depends on the distance being raced but in general a Thoroughbred can run between 35-50 mph.

What kind of horse was ruffian?

Ruffian was a thoroughbred racehorse.

Is a thoroughbred horse a filigree?

Whether or not a thoroughbred race horse a filigree is a matter of opinion. Filigree means delicute or fanciful and whether or not that is how you describe a racehorse is up to you.

Which dog runs faster?

All dogs can run fast but the Greyhound is probably the fastest, which is why there are greyhound dog-racing tracks similar to horse-racing tracks.

How heavy is a thoroughbred horse?

The weight of a thoroughbred horse is dependent upon a number of factors. Some of those factors include the size and age of the horse.