The word midget is a derogatory term towards little people and the dwarf community. The correct terms when referring to people of short stature are Little Person or Dwarf. No, Jockys are not considered Little people or Dwarf. Jockys are usually considered average people who tend to be on the short side. Jockys can range from 4'10 to 5'6 in height, however there are not any height requirements to be a Jocky.
A mom of a Little person
Short parents tend to have short children. Maybe even midgets.
I really have no idea...maybe it's because old guys think midgets are short teenage punks? That's my best guess!
no midgits are not sucessful because they ae short and cant reach their goals
A group of midgets is called a "nibble" of midgets.
That would be a dwarf, because midgets are just short but proportional.
The three stooges were not midgets, but they were somewhat short.
Short people have the same need for love than tall people have.
Short people have been called little people as well. Another name for short people is midgets. Small people is also a name that short people have been referred as.
There is no king of disc jockeys.
Jockeys' Guild was created in 1940.