A MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) can be used INSTEAD of a BJT (bypolar junction transistor, so transistor is redundant in your question), if the circuit in question is modified to allow it and the MOSFET is chosen appropriately. BJT's will usually have a higher intrinsic gain, but have lower input resistance. Also a BJT in general will work better at higher frequencies than a MOSFET (unless you choose a high frequency MOSFET) due to the capacitive nature of MOSFETs.
Using ordinary multimeter A1-A2 should show high or infinite resitance in both ways, G-A1 low ohms, less than 100r
The basic difference is between JFET and enhanced MOSFET,although the construction of JFET and depletion MOSFET is different but their most of the characteridtics are same,i.e shockly equation can be applied on both of them,but in JFET we cant give to gate voltage, the +ve value,because it does not works, but in depletion we can give,but some limited +ve value. Now enhanced MOSFET is different,shockly equation cant be applied.The transfer characteristics are purely in +ve Vg region. i.e for E-MOSFET Vg should be > 0,for its proper function.
There is no such thing as a high speed language in computing.
MOSFET has high input impedance and offer input signal isolation from the circuit
high speed drill bits
it can exchange the current is much larger and has Avery low resistance when it is turned on.the mosfet is not removed from the circuit when the supply is on because it flow the high current.
mostly high speed switches in digital logic circuits
The size of high speed pressure varies greatly based on how it is measured and the application it is used in. Some high speed pressure houses measure less than an inch while others may be several inches in diameter.
The SiO2 layer acts as an insulator and also it provides high input impedance to the MOSFET. This insulation is needed so that a circuit with high EMI or loads which generate back emf (motors) can be driven by applying gate current from a common circuit.
A MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) can be used INSTEAD of a BJT (bypolar junction transistor, so transistor is redundant in your question), if the circuit in question is modified to allow it and the MOSFET is chosen appropriately. BJT's will usually have a higher intrinsic gain, but have lower input resistance. Also a BJT in general will work better at higher frequencies than a MOSFET (unless you choose a high frequency MOSFET) due to the capacitive nature of MOSFETs.
High speed steel is made from different steel alloys. Depending on the application and budget the alloy is made from iron and different mixes of carbon, tungsten, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium.