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A static force is a frictional force between two forces!

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Q: What is a static force?
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What is static force?

a static force is a frictional forcebtw two bodies

What is the difference between static force and dynamic force?

Static force is the force applied to an object at rest, while dynamic force is the force applied to an object in motion. Static force does not cause movement, while dynamic force can accelerate, decelerate, or change the direction of an object's motion.

What are static forces?

A Static force is a force that is frictional, and pulls two things together.

Which is greater force from static and gravitational force?

Static force is typically stronger than gravitational force. The strength of static force depends on the nature of the materials involved and the distance between them, while gravitational force depends on the masses of objects and their distance apart.

What relationship exists between the static frictional force and the normal force of an object?

The static frictional force is directly proportional to the normal force acting on an object. As the normal force increases, the maximum static frictional force that can be exerted on the object also increases.

What is greater static or dynamic force?

Dynamic force is greater than static force because dynamic force involves motion and acceleration, which typically require more energy and force. Static force, on the other hand, refers to a force exerted without any movement.

When is static friction applied?

Static friction is not necessarily an applied force, but something that occurs when there is an applied force. Static friction occurs when there is no motion and there is a force being applied to an object on a surface.

What force causes what causes a static cling In a dryer?

Electricity is the force of what causes static cling in a dryer.

Is static a contact force?

No, Stactic electricity is a non-contact force!

Is Electrostatic force and Static Electricity the same force?

Electrostatic force is the force of attraction or repulsion between electrically charged objects, while static electricity refers to the imbalance of electric charge on the surface of an object. Static electricity can be a result of the effects of the electrostatic force. Essentially, static electricity is the result of the imbalance of charges that creates the electrostatic force.

Why is it difficult to move an object from its static position?

Moving an object from its static position can be difficult due to static friction. Static friction is the force that opposes motion when an object is at rest. This frictional force must be overcome by an external force to initiate movement.


The force of attraction or repulsion due to static changes