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Q: What type of turbine used wave energy?
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How can waves be used to turn turbines?

Waves can be used to turn turbines by converting the kinetic energy of the moving water into mechanical energy. As waves move past the turbine, they cause it to spin, which then generates electricity through a generator connected to the turbine. This process is known as wave energy conversion.

How wave energy generate a turbine?

Wave energy can generate a turbine by using the up and down motion of waves to drive a floating buoy or structure, which is connected to a generator. As the waves move the buoy, the generator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy that can be used to power homes and businesses.

What type of energy wave is used with the radar?

Radar uses radio waves, which are a type of electromagnetic energy wave, to detect the presence, direction, distance, and speed of objects.

How much does it cost to build a wave turbine?

it costs £5 to make one and it produces no energy

How can waves be used as a energy source?

Waves can be used as an energy source by capturing the kinetic energy in the motion of the waves and converting it into electricity through wave energy converters. These devices typically use the up and down motion of the waves to drive a turbine or generator, which then produces electricity. Wave energy is a renewable and sustainable source of energy with the potential to provide clean power to coastal regions.

How does hydroelectricity create energy?

I guess you mean wave energy. When the stream of a river is streaming through a dam, it runs a turbine and which drives a generator, which produces energy.

How is energy produced from wave action?

Energy from wave action is typically generated using devices such as wave energy converters (WECs) that capture the kinetic energy of ocean waves and convert it into electricity. WECs often use the motion of the waves to drive a hydraulic system or turbine, which generates electricity as it spins. This electricity can then be transmitted to the grid for use.

What type of energy does a transverse wave carry?

A transverse wave carries both kinetic energy, which is the energy of the wave's motion, and potential energy, which is the energy stored in the wave's position and shape.

What absorption of wave energy?

Absorption of wave energy refers to the process where a wave's energy is taken in by a medium and converted into another form of energy, such as heat or sound. This can happen when a wave interacts with particles in the medium, causing them to vibrate and dissipate the energy. Materials vary in their ability to absorb wave energy, with some being highly absorbent (e.g., foam) and others reflecting or transmitting waves more effectively.

What type of energy does light wave transmit?

Electromagnetic energy

What type of energy wave is highest in energy?

Gamma rays are the type of energy wave that has the highest energy. They have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies among all types of electromagnetic radiation.

What type of energy do waves have?

Radiant energy. They are the first type of wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.