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—Low cost of investment is less

—It also displace above 2000 carbon dioxide emissions tons per year.

—Avoids pollution

—The Pelamis has a similar output to a modern wind turbine.

—When complete, the project should meet the average electricity demand of more than 15,000 Portuguese households.

—There is going to be only starting investment.

—Minimum environmental impact.

—Plenty of space plus high 'power-density'.

—Survivability - 100 year wave

—100% available technology

—Hydraulic Power Take Off

—Power smoothing


—Maximum site flexibility

—Minimum work on-site

—Off-site maintenance

dis advantages

· Disturbance or destruction of marine life (including changes in the distribution and types of marine life near the shore)

· Possible threat to navigation from collisions due to the low profile of the wave energy devices above the water, making them undetectable either by direct sighting or by radar. Also possible is the interference of mooring and anchorage lines with commercial and sport-fishing.

· Degradation of scenic ocean front views from wave energy devices located near or on the shore, and from onshore overhead electric transmission lines

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uses less energy to run

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Q: What are some disadvantages of the pelamis wave energy converter?
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Digital converter box say no signal how can you get signal?

If you have no signal coming into a digital converter box, you either have no service or you have a broken connection between the service provider and the box.If you have no signal coming out of a digital converter box, you either have no service, or you have a broken box, or you have some kind of short on the output.If you have no service, then you need to contact the service provider. If the box or the circuitry is bad, you need to fix it, or you need to contact the service provider.Any other meaning to this question constitutes a request to know how to defeat the security of a digital converter box. That is an illegal activity, and WiKi Answers does not provide answers for those type of questions.

What part of a circuit dissipates energy?

A: ANY part that uses current to do the work will use some of the input energy to make it operational. this energy is called dissipation of the device and it is wasted as heat

What is an electric motor used for?

An electric motor uses electrical energy to produce mechanical energy. The reverse process, that of using mechanical energy to produce electrical energy, is accomplished by a generator or dynamo. Traction motors used on locomotives and some electric and hybrid automobiles often perform both tasks if the vehicle is equipped with dynamic brakes. Electric motors are found in household appliances such as fans, refrigerators, washing machines, pool pumps, floor vacuums, and fan-forced ovens. They are also found in many other devices such as computer equipment, in its disk drives, printers, and fans; and in some sound and video playing and recording equipment as DVD/CD players and recorders, tape players and recorders, and record players. Electric motors are also found in several kinds of toys such as some kinds of vehicles and robotic toys.An electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Most electric motors operate through interacting magnetic field and current carrying conductors to generate force but a few use electrostatic forces.

What provides energy to circuit?

One possibility for what affects the voltage, is how many light bulbs, motors etc you have in the circuit causing the energy ( voltage ) to be shared.

What is the current use of a wind turbine?

Early uses of wind energy was generally for direct mechanical actions such as grinding or pumping. Hence the term windmill to indicate a wind powered mill.However, virtually all modern windmills generate electricity.It is likely that most future windmills will also be coupled to electricity production.It is unlikely that wind energy will become the only energy source available, in part because of its somewhat unpredictability and tendency to have variations of power levels not connected to grid requirements.There would be benefits of connecting wind energy to energy sources like hydroelectric power generation. When the wind is blowing, there would be less need for hydroelectric, and the water could be stored to some extent like a giant battery. When the wind stops, the hydroelectric energy would be used.Another form that it could be coupled to is automobile charging... it is a little tricky because of the irregular nature of the wind energy, but perhaps by either charging a secondary battery bank, or counting on a strong nocturnal breeze it would work. Some people have suggested that auto batteries wouldn't actually need to always be "topped off", but rather they could be used to some extent as a reservoir to ameliorate peak energy uses.Hydrogen is a form of electric energy storage that wouldn't necessarily need continuous inputs, and may someday be used in conjunction with automobile fuels.

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