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Q: Will the helium soccer ball bounce higher than a soccer ball filled with air?
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Does a soccer ball bounce higher then a basketball?

In general, a basketball will bounce higher than a soccer ball because basketballs are designed to have higher bounce properties due to the material and construction of the ball. Soccer balls are typically designed to have less bounce to promote better control and handling during gameplay.

What will bounce higher baseball soccer or a basketball?

A basketball will typically bounce higher than a baseball or soccer ball due to its higher air pressure and elastic properties of its material. However, factors such as the surface on which they bounce and the force with which they are dropped can also affect the height of the bounce.

Do they put helium in soccer balls?

No, soccer balls are filled with ordinary air If they were filled with helium, they would float into the skyHelium filled soccer balls would certainly not "fly into the sky"! The difference in mass of an air filled ball and one filled with helium would be but a few grams! But the helium (having a much smaller molecule than those that comprise air) would leak out of the bladder more quickly. In addition Helium is much more expensive than compressed air.

Could you improve your juggling skills in soccer by using a helium filled soccer ball?

No. Helium floats up. but if you meant the mouth blown yes. But you can get those soccer balls inside a net.

Why does a smaller plastic ball bounce higher than a soccer ball?

Because the plastic ball has higher potential while the soccer ball has not.

Which type of grass makes a soccer ball bounce higher?

turf grass

What is a soccer ball filled with?

A soccer ball is typically filled with air. The amount of air and pressure inside the ball can affect its bounce, weight, and overall performance on the field. Overinflating or underinflating the ball can impact a player's ability to control and maneuver it during gameplay.

Why does a tennis ball bounce higher than a basketball and soccer ball?

less weight

Does air pressure inside a soccer ball effect it's bounce?

Yes, the air pressure inside a soccer ball affects its bounce. An underinflated ball will have a lower bounce as there is less air pressure pushing against the ground to propel it back up. Conversely, an overinflated ball will have a higher bounce due to the increased air pressure inside.

What ball bounces the highest basketball soccer ball or a kick ball?

A basketball will typically bounce higher than a soccer ball or kickball. The higher bounce is due to the basketball being inflated to a higher pressure compared to the other two balls, resulting in greater elasticity and rebound potential.

Can you fill a basketball with helium?

Yes, you can fill a basketball with helium to make it float. However, the basketball would not bounce normally because helium is lighter than air and reduces the ball's weight. Additionally, the helium would eventually leak out due to the porous nature of the basketball material.