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Scientists would have to make the new paradigm accepted in the scientific community. They may face a lot of opposition and skepticism.

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Q: Why is it difficult for scientists to replace an old paradigm with a new paradigm?
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Scientists are looking for new fuels to replace fossil fuels because burning fossil fuels contributes to climate change through the release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Using alternative fuels can help reduce carbon emissions and environmental impacts while promoting sustainability and energy security.

What is a old paradigm?

An old paradigm is similar to a new paradigm. Its a set of values and beliefs that creates a reality for a community that holds similar values. However, old paradigm later becomes invalidated by newer paradigm that seem truer or are proven by facts. For example, in the ancient days, people believed that everything revolved around the earth and it was the center of the universe. Today we know that the earth is not the center of the universe and its one of 9 planets that revolve around the sun.