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Muscle cells are specialized for movement of the body. They have extra mitochondria so that they can utilize the energy necessary to contract muscles. A whole chain of muscle cells contracting will cause the muscle to "flex."

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Q: Which type of cells are specialized for movement of the body?
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What specialised cells are there?

Some examples of specialized cells in the body include red blood cells, which transport oxygen in the blood, neurons, which transmit electrical signals in the nervous system, and muscle cells, which contract to produce movement. Each type of specialized cell is uniquely adapted to its specific function in the body.

Do cells in your body all have the same structure and different functions?

No, cells in the body have different structures and functions depending on their type. For example, red blood cells are specialized for carrying oxygen, while muscle cells are specialized for contraction. Each cell type has unique adaptations to carry out its specific function in the body.

What is a specilised cell?

Every cell type have specialized proteins embedded in the plasma membrane making that cell specialized for a specific function. Muscle cells in our body are specialized for contraction. Nerve cells are specialized in conduction of messages.

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Your brain is the control center for your body, it tells it what to do. However, all of the cells in your body are needed to perform what your brain tells them to do, so in a way, all of them.

What are Cells that have their own unique structures and functions?

Cells with their own unique structures and functions are specialized cells, such as nerve cells, muscle cells, and sperm cells. These cells have distinct shapes and functions that allow them to perform specific tasks within the body. Each specialized cell type has adaptations that make them well-suited for their particular function.

What does it mean to say that cells are specialized?

Specialized cells are cells that have specific structures and functions that make them suited for particular tasks in the body. Each type of specialized cell performs a unique role in maintaining the body's overall functions. These specialized cells work together to form tissues, organs, and organ systems.

What is the thallus type of Volvox?

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What is a type of cell that performs specific functions?

Cells that are formed into Tissues collectively carry out specialized functions - for example, muscle Cells are specialized for [movement via] contraction; bone Cells are specialized for first structure, and then strength. There are two hundred and twenty types of Tissues.

WHY are there so many types of cancer?

The most basic way to think of cancers is to say that they are caused by cells that are mutated somehow. All the cells in the human body are specialized for a certain type of job; for every type of specialized cell that mutates, a cancer can result.

Why do cells in your body need to be specellized?

Cells in the body need to specialize to perform specific functions efficiently. Specialization allows different cells to work together in complex organisms for processes like digestion, respiration, and movement. Each specialized cell has a specific role that contributes to the overall functioning of the whole organism.

Why are there so many different types of cancers?

The most basic way to think of cancers is to say that they are caused by cells that are mutated somehow. All the cells in the human body are specialized for a certain type of job; for every type of specialized cell that mutates, a cancer can result.

What are specialized cells and what type of organism are they found?

Specialized cells are cells that have specific functions within an organism. They are found in multicellular organisms, such as humans, animals, and plants, where different types of specialized cells work together to carry out specific functions.