Duke attended McKinley High School but dropped out without graduating. For a time he earned his living as a beachboy and stevedore at the Honolulu Harbor docks. He became a leader of the local "beach boys." As the best waterman among the formidable group of young watermen at Waikiki, Duke became the group's leader. He set a good example. He did not drink or smoke and if he did get into a fight it was after being hassled and even then he would not punch, preferring to slap, instead. He seldom raised his voice. He used his eyes to communicate what he didn't vocalize.
no duke ellington did not go to collage he droped out in the middle high school
Snider went to Compton High School and never attended college.
Education: Left high school in his senior year; later received honorary diploma.
To get into Duke you have to go through school with almost a 4.0 gpa!!!
Pretty much straight A's, with exceptionally hard courses and a load of extraccurriculars.
You can't. Unless they scout you while you're in high school or if you go to try outs and you REALLY REALLY impress them.
somewhere in Washington
Duke or UNC
what high school did she go to and where!!!!!!!!!!
you go to bayside high school by going, :) kapeesh
Duke Ellington never went to college. He dropped out in the middle of his high school career. At age twenty without a high school diploma he married Edna thompson. and loved her very much
no Kit Carson did not go to high school.