soccer mostly but they dont call it that they call it futbol.Type your answer here...
No. It is one of the least popular sports in Mexico.
soccer. or futbol as they call it.
the same ones the played in old mexico.
Many segments of society in Mexico play sports. Childrenplay sports in their free time, and at school. College and university students play sports to relieve the stress of studies and exams, and during vacations. Cultural associations play sports as part of their regular, planned activities. Families play sports during reunions and vacations. Paid athletes play sports. Professionalsplay sports to get to know others and to counter hours spent hunched over computers. And tourists and vacationersplay sports at resorts and vacation spots.
No, Mexican students are expected to go to school to learn, not play sports. They must join a private team.
Sports are played during all seasons in Mexico. In the winter they may have athletes wrestling or playing hockey. They play baseball, basketball, soccer, football, tennis, boxing, polo, and rugby.
kids in mexico play whole lot of things like pac-man yo-yo or for sports spccer
They are alike because we both play soccer.
Your Q is not specific enough; sports, musical instruments, etc?
what are sports that Mexico invented
It all depeneds on were you live. like in china its gymnastics in America its basketball and in Mexico and places like Mexico its soccer
They are are related because they also have parks and they play many sports such as soccer,and they dance we also do that.