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If you are a student-athlete, you should check with your school. Some teams will wear their uniforms, while other schools ask students to wear casual dress clothes.

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Should middle school students have sports teams?

yes they should

Average cost of school sports?

in middle school about 100$

Should there be sports in middle schools?

Yes! It is a great way to get people involved and it will help you for high school and college! Sports are very fun and entertaining!

What is the percentage of middle school students who play school sports?

About 40 if you are in sports more 50 if med 60+ or 70 if in study

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it depneds on the school's budget and financial status. If the school is very keen on funding sports and sports equitment to the school, then chances are they are going to have more sports. some schools however may not have the time and money to provide to schools sporting teams. however i believe that schools should have alot of sports team's for exercise and fun.

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Yes they should be able to. They should be able to feel comfortable, and if wearinf a sports bra gives them support than so be it.

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About 75% of middle schooler would participate in school sports.

What has the author Harry J McCabe written?

Harry J McCabe has written: 'Identification of essential elements of a model middle school sports program and an assessment of current practices in Ohio middle and junior high school sports programs' -- subject(s): School sports, Middle schools