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Q: What is the maximum age limit for high school students in Nebraska?
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What is the maximum age limit for high school students in NC?

In North Carolina, students must be under the age of 18 to attend high school. However, there are provisions for students who turn 18 during the school year to continue their education until the end of that school year.

What is the maximum age limit for high school in Oklahoma?

The maximum age for attending high school in Oklahoma is 21.

How can Yahoo email be accessed at school?

it can be accessed by providing students with Internet (at limit) at school

What is the maximum speed limit for a school bus in Georgia?

55 mph

What is the maximum age limit for high school graduation in Georgia?

There is no age limint

What is the maximum age limit for high school graduation in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts sets the high school graduation age limit at 18. After that, you need to enter an adult education school program.

The maximum speed limit in a school zone while children are present?

15 mph

Why is it important for teachers to limit websites at school?

Teachers need to limit websites at school because students are in school to learn. If they did not limit certain sites, children would be on those sites instead of learning what teachers are trying to teach them.

What is the maximum age somebody could be in college?

Technically, there is no actual age limit. While the majority of college students will be fresh from high school or at least in their early 20s, it isn't too uncommon to see people in their 30s-50s coming back to school.

Federal Student Loan Limits?

Federal student loan limits are based upon financial need and year in college. The following loans are available:Stafford dependent undergraduate student loansFirst year total $5,500, maximum of $3,500 in subsidized loansSecond year total 6,500, maximum of $4,500 in subsidized loansThird year, juniors and seniors total of $7,500, maximum of $5,500 in subsidized loansPreparatory course for undergraduate program - $2,625 subsidized loans onlyPreparatory course for professional program -$5,500 subsidized loans onlyTeacher certification -$5,500 subsidized loans onlyTotal maximum loan limit for dependent undergraduate students may not exceed $31,000, with a maximum of $23,000 in subsidized loans.Stafford independent undergraduate student loans:First year - $9,500, maximum $3,500 in subsidized loansSecond year - $10,500, maximum $4,500 in subsidized loansThird year, juniors and seniors - $12,500, maximum $5,500 in subsidized loansPreparatory course for undergraduate program - $8,625, maximum $2,625 in subsidized loansPreparatory course for professional program -$12,500, maximum $5,500 in subsidized loansTeacher certification -$12,500, maximum $5,500 in subsidized loansTotal maximum loan limit for independent undergraduate students may not exceed $57,500, with a maximum of $23,000 in subsidized loans.Stafford graduate and medical student loansGraduate students -$20,500 with a maximum $8,500 in subsidized loans. Total maximum loan limits - $138,500, with a maximum $65,500 in subsidized loans Medical students - $40,500 with a maximum $8,500 in subsidized. Total maximum loan limit of up to $224,000, with a maximum $65,500 in subsidized loans.Perkins Subsidized LoansThe school acts as the lender and uses funds that are provided by the federal government for students who demonstrate an exceptional financial need. Amounts are determined by the student's financial aid office. Maximum limits per year for undergraduate students are $5,500 and $8,000 for graduate students. The total maximum loan limit amount is $27,500 for undergraduate students and $60,000 for combined undergraduate and graduate loans.Graduate and professional student PLUS loansThe PLUS loan is available for students or their parents on the student's behalf. The loan limits are based upon the student's cost of attending school less any other financial aid they receive.

What is maximum age limit for high school athletics?

18 to 19 depending on state regulations