GPA might not matter as much as being able to spell RUTGERS. They say that it is important, but as long as you have a 3.5 you should be fine
The required SAT score for Rutgers University, New Brunswick is 1600. The required GPA for the college is a B plus.
Rutgers is an university in New Jersey with enrollment of 58,788 as of 2012. For transfer students the average GPA for enrollment is between 3.6 and 4.3.
Average GPA Score as listed in Hotcoursesusa for Western Oregon University is: GPA score: 2.75 Average SAT math score: 470 Average SAT writing score: 470 Average ACT score: 21
i would suggest to get to at least a 3.5 GPA and a 28 or higher on the test
Answer:The minimum GPA requirement to get in Southern Polytechnic State University is: Average ACT score:18GPA score:2.5
It's 1100.
Their website shows the average GPA and SAT for admitted applicants.
If you can make up some classes, maybe raise your gpa up to at least a 2.5 and do fairly good on your SAT's and ACT's, also get involved in many extracurriculur activities you may have a chance. I got in with a 2.9 gpa and a 1640 SAT score.