a sport is any physical activity that can make you sweat and gives you excersise.
Sports are forms of exercise where it is played like a game and there are rules and regulations
what is personnel administration
General administration means Government of State
The closest match found was DSA - Diploma in Sport Administration.
what covers medication administration in a residential care environment
The definition of public administration is made difficult because of the wide array of functions and operations it involves.
According to the definition of "sport," yes.
is a sport that is actually social and also expensive
Sport hunting is a sport when peeps ride horses and shoot deer and stuff
The concept of administration is best determined by looking at the definition of administration. An administration is "the activities of groups cooperating to accomplish common goals."
sport watched on telivision
"Abduction" is to carry off by force or kidnap. It has no application to sport.
Anti-sport is defined to be someone who opposes a particular sport. It can also be someone who does not agree with a certain policy of sport.