You can get it over with and you don't have to retake it in college or senior year... Plus bio is pretty interesting.
Click on the 'Bryan Pata Bio' link on this page to learn more about the life of Bryan Pata.
Bio is a prefix meaning "life." Bene is a prefix meaning "good."
Bio-fuel doesn't add to air pollution.
You should take pre-AP physics junior year, and AP bio senior year.
that its masses are bio
Say something about yourself.
Is number 3 in career receptions, number 2 in receiving touchdowns. The only player with 2 season with 120 or more receptions. you can see complete bio here
well, as an algebra 2 freshman last year, i remeber taking honors bio and slgebra 2. Senior year could be a 2nd calculus course, like Calc BC or mulltivariable calc, depending on the district, and perhaps AP bio, chem, or physics for sciences.
Read his bio, and no where in it says that he ever played. However, it was rumored that he did play for the Broncos.
noo coz bio oil is used for stretch marks and marks or spots :) XD