There really isn't any "equipment" required but a nice pair of wrestling shoes will be useful and wrestling singlets are used in a match (your school should provide the singlets for you though). Other then that, there's nothing else as far as I know.
amature wrestling is taught in high school
you don't have to be in wrestling during high school Tobe a have to go to wrestling school.witch i wan't to be a wrestler so i will go to wrestling school.Answerno u don't have 2 be a wrestler in high school. You have 2 go to a Wrestling School to train though.....
Dutchtown High School
pe and strength because they need strength to wrestle other people... hope this helps.
you would need soccer balls, and uniforms. also a field!
Yes, it is.
Smoky Mountain Wrestling Hazard High School Wrestling
Pentucket Regional High School
Brandon High School in Brandon, Florida
No The Carl Edwards who was a three time Maryland high school wrestling champion played for the San Diego Chargers.