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Q: What do they call soccer in Germany?
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What do other countries call soccer?

USA - Soccer South Africa - Soccer / Ibhola / Bolo / Sokker Australia - Soccer Canada - Soccer (these are the only countries that call it soccer) Portugal - Futebol Italy - Calcio Germany - Fußbol Mexico/Spain - Futbol

What is Germany's nationol sport?

Football or as the Americans call it soccer. In German it is "Fußball"

When was Soccer Made in Germany created?

Soccer Made in Germany was created in 1976.

When did Soccer Made in Germany end?

Soccer Made in Germany ended in 1988.

What soccer clubs are in Germany? Answer is there.

What is the duration of Soccer Made in Germany?

The duration of Soccer Made in Germany is 3600.0 seconds.

Does Germany have football?

Soccer (not American football) is very popular in Germany and it has several outstanding soccer clubs.

What sport does Germany like?

ball in a cup Soccer, or as they call it, Fussball (not accurate spelling since I don't know how to add the ess-sett on IE, pronunciation is the same as how I spelled it though)

What is Germany's natinal soccer teams name?


Why did they dall soccer football in Germany?

They don't call it football they call it fussball. This means football in English. They call it football like most European countries because they aren't idiots like the americans.

Who is the best soccer goalie in the word?

Manuel Neuer plays for the national team of Germany and on the German bundesliga for a club call Bayern Munchen

What is Germany's Women's Soccer team name?