There are many types of sports, and even more sentences that can be written about sports. For instance, you could write that, participating in a sport can give a child a sense of well-being.
There are no sentences for this. Those are not words.
yes i want some sentences about pollution in Urdu.
Some of the sentences that I see in Example Sentences are quite laughable.
So, you need some example sentences? I felt so relieved to finish my example sentences. The boy wrote, "So what?" as an example sentence.
you are an idiot
which city are you going
It would mean to have different types and lengths of sentences, some short and some long sentences.
It would be the same as some sport or some exercise.
Some common conjunctions used to join simple sentences and form compound sentences are "and," "but," "or," "so," and "yet."
I went to the supermarket. I bought some apples and some pears. Both of these sentences have eight syllables.
In English, all proper sentences start with a capitalized word.