Army Mules are the mascots for the United States Military Academy (West Point). Aubie is the name of the costumed tiger mascot for the Auburn Tigers at Auburn University.
How about the Tigers?
bumble bees
Herbie Husker is the official mascot for sport teams at the University of Nebraska. Hokie Bird is the official mascot for sports teams at Virginia Tech.
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Some verbs starting with the letter a:ableabandonabductaccountaccuseaceactaddaddressadmireadoreafflictageaggravateaimalertanimateapproachapprovearearriveaskassistassociateassortattachattendavengeavoidawakenax
Some of the mascots in my school district are the darts, the lancers, the knights, the titans, and the vikings.
Some household items starting with the letter R are:refrigeratorrange
Some words starting with the letter K are:KiteKittenKryptonKitchenKalemiaKaratKnightKnitkindkookykilling