The official state mineral of Alabama is Hematite (red iron ore). It was designated as such in 1967.
1. get a mineral 2. separate mineral from ore 3. seperater ore from mineral 4. record observation
No, a ore can be iron, gold, silver and any number ores.
Well, "tretio ore" means "thirty ore" in Swedish. The number refers to how much ore is used in each coin, while the actual word "ore" is referring to the coin itself. The higher the number, the more costly the coin is. There are also "tjugo ore" (twenty ore) coins that I know of, and I'm sure there is more out there than just that. (Oh! And, as far as Google and I are concerned, there is nothing in existence that matches "trettio ore"!)
The Major Industries of Alabama are agriculture (cotton, corn, peanuts, soybeans, poultry, and livestock), hydroelectric power, mining (coal, limestone, iron ore), steel-making.
Top iron ore producers that are not located in Asia are Australia, Brazil, and South Africa. Also on the list is the United States.
U.S. states with iron ore deposits are Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
I list them in order of heaviest to lightest:Gold, Silver, Iron, Titanium. Gold has no ore and ores are always less dense than the metal.
You mean random minerals in the Earth?IronleadgoldsilverBy Wiki's def: An ore is a type of rock that contains minerals such as gemstones or metals that can be extracted through mining and refined for use.
the item ID for gold is 14