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sounds like ur sick go c a doc

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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Q: Last period was on April 6 feeling sore hard nipples tired sick having to pee a lot cramps hot flashes at night is it to soon to test?
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If a person is feeling tightness in her chest and having cramps she should go to the hospital. Your friend could be having a heart attack.

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Go to the doctor. The cramps and tender nipples sounds like PMS or something similar. Actually you may have only had one period and just think it is two.

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no sweety,that's just a sign telling you that your PERIOD is about to come.

Are you having a baby if your nipples hurt?

No your not having a baby

Your periods are regular but this month you are 4 days lateand having periods like cramps in your lower abdomen and very sore nipples n feeling very bloatedare you pregnant?

Four days late is nothing and I doubt that you are pregnant. The cramps and sore nipples are normal and part of most people's periods. If you don't have a period next month take a test. The lack of a period is the first sign of pregnancy not what you describe. There are things you can do to help yourself with the symptoms you describe. Don't eat a lot of sweets, stay off of a caffeine, and take B6. An over the counter help is Mitol that will help you with the pain and cramps. Putting a heating pad on your lower back or tummy will also help. These things will help you.

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No, hot flashes can't be removed from the body. You will need to go to your MD to find out why you are having hot flashes.

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eat bannanas the potassium stops cramps

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Is having your nipples double piereced dangerous?

Yes because then your nipples will get all nasty and soggy

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Most gay men enjoying having their nipples pinched, sucked, bite on while having sex. Overtime their nipples will become more erect and grow in size. A: What rubbish! Gay men's nipples are just the same as any man's.

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You can make a girl orgasm but having intercourse faster or rubbing her clit whilst having sex or sucking her nipples/ rubbing her nipples