Reflect is a verb, it means to cast back light, heat, sight Etc. from a surface or to give back or show an image of. :) Hope this was some use.
The word 'reflect' is a verb (reflect, reflects, reflecting, reflected).The noun forms of the verb to reflect are reflector, reflection, and the gerund, reflecting.
The verb "reflect" can be both singular and plural, depending on the subject. In the singular form, it would be "reflects" (e.g., he reflects on his actions), and in the plural form, it would be "reflect" (e.g., they reflect on their experiences).
The verb of "reflection" is "reflect." It means to think deeply or carefully about something, or to bounce off a surface like light or sound.
The noun forms for the verb to reflect are reflector, reflection, and the gerund, reflecting.
The word "reflected" can be a verb (past tense of "reflect") or an adjective, depending on how it is used in a sentence.
Retrospect can be a noun and a verb. Noun: Consideration of past times. Verb: To reflect on.
The verb reflect has the participles reflecting and reflected (both adjectives), as well as reflective (creating a reflection). The noun reflection also has an adjective form reflectional.
The verb for reflection is reflect.Other verbs which depend on the tense you need are reflects, reflecting and reflected.Some example sentences are:"I will reflect the sunlight with this mirror"."She reflects the beam of light"."We are reflecting the arrows"."The light was reflected into his eyes".
The noun forms of the verb to reflect are reflector, reflection, and the gerund, reflecting.
The word "gleam" can be used as a verb to mean shine brightly or reflect light.
A verb consists of a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being in a sentence. It is a critical element for conveying meaning and is often conjugated to reflect different tenses, moods, and voices in a sentence.
Young is an adjective, not a verb, so it does not have a tense. You could say "was young" if you needed to reflect that it was in the past.