Yao Ming is 34 years old right now. If he was born September 12, 1980, he should be 34. On September 12, 2015 Yao Ming will be 35 years old.
Yao Ming is 36 years old (birthdate: September 12, 1980).
he is 30 years old
Yao Ming is 7' 6" (2.29 m). He is the tallest player in the NBA. He currently plays for the Golden State Warriors
He was 7'0'' when he was 18. You can still grow even when you are 18
Yao Ming is a 29 year old that is a 7'6 foot
Yao Ming is a 29 year old that is a 7'6 foot
Sun Ming Ming is 28 years old (birthdate: August 23, 1983).
Mattyb is 9 years old right now
how old is pierre beauchamp is right now
Mattyb is 9 years old right now
princeton is now 14 years old right now
right now he is 13