Talk about the match in a calm way. You don't have to use long words or fancy language. Talk about the other team and how they played. Talk about the score and whether you thought it was wrong or not fair or it was a good game but maybe not your teams match just this time. Talk about your team and how well they did. Talk about how well your team tried and there tactics. Talk about what you thought made your team or the opposing team win. You need to include a Person Of The Match, someone on your team who you thought tried the hardest or did really well. Think about all your players and that will help you decide. Say that the other members of the team did really well but the Person Of The Match (whoever they may be) pushed themselves just that bit further. Include the scores for each half and then the overall score. Round it off with how much everyone enjoyed the match or not if they didn't. Remember, it is up to you what you say and how you set it out but as long as you have these things you will have a fantastically written match report.
My boss text me to write a report
Why did doctors write NICNE report
Write a report on your retirement by telling on what, when, why, and how did you retire.
what subject is the report for?
how to write industrial report after intership in a supermarket
go on word document, write words BAM hindi report....
i went to supply pharmacuitical drugs and i have been as to write sales report
what subject is the report for?
A project report is an official document that offers a thorough examination of a project, including its goals, scope, methodology, schedule, expenses, risks, and anticipated results. It acts as a guide for planning, carrying out, and assessing projects, assisting stakeholders in making well-informed choices and guaranteeing efficient project execution and oversight.
Write down your life story. Perfect disorder report right there. Have fun mate.
You take notes during an investigation, and write a report when the investigation is finished.
i wont a spoilage report formet