According to, Richie Panch drove the #98 in 1975 and for one race in 1976.
Monster 2003 Budweiser 2004
Linoel Richie not sure what year though
It depends on the distributor you work for ( There are all independently owned) but a Budweiser pre-salesman makes 45,000 - 65,000 a year after commissions. At least that's the average here in the south-east.
Richie Ashburn joined play-by-play man Byrum Saam as a color commentator in the 1963 season.
In the 70's. I believe the light was made to compete with the hamm's motion's.
Richie McCaw
Shane joined the show in 2002.
1953 His first appearance was in that year's Little Dot 1 MC