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Q: How do you get rid of long standing demonic attacks?
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What are demonic thoughts?

Answer:This is a very complicated question. Demonic thoughts in general can be best illustrated through human conscience. The idea of having a devil on the shoulder tempting you. Any thoughts of impurities or thoughts of going against the teachings of God and Jesus in many Christian religions can theoretically be considered demonic thoughts. Demonic thoughts are often thoughts of insecurity in Religion and everyday relationships. Satan and his demonic workers try to plant insecurity and doubt in everyday life. Most commonly depression and thoughts of doubt in ones shelf can be considered demonic thoughts. More in depth obsession with Satan and demons are more serious forms of demonic thoughts. The exception to this are thoughts of dedicating your shelf to rid your self and others from the temptations of Satan and all evil doers. One step further is empty promises from Satan and his workers of being able to help people especially in times of need. The next and more severe form is seeing and hearing voices from the demonic. Demonic possession is the most severe form. This is where the Satan and demonic take over the body. During possession the demonic can influence thoughts but can not make you physically do things and can not touch a persons soul. The demonic during possession can inflict mental and physical pain leading to depression and even more severe thoughts of suicide. During possession one should seek the help of an anointed member of the church. As far as having basic temptations from Satan and the demonic prayer dedicating yourself to rid yourself of impure thoughts and actions will help a great deal. If you find yourself having thoughts of impurities and evil, and are a member of a church, a Scapular is a great way to dedicate your life to help fight thoughts of impurities. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

How do you get rid of foot problems?

Sometimes soaking my feet in warm water helps ease my foot pains. Not standing too long also helps. If you are in constant pain I would suggest that you go see your doctor.

How are recurrent gout attacks treated?

physicians may prescribe additional drugs that either help the body get rid of uric acid or reduce the amount of uric acid the body produces. These drugs will not relieve gout attacks that already have started, but will help prevent attacks

What is a early demonic era explanation of personal deviance?

In early demonic era beliefs, personal deviance was often attributed to possession by evil spirits or demons. Behaviors that went against societal norms or religious teachings were seen as signs of being influenced or controlled by malevolent forces, leading to acts of deviance. Exorcisms or other rituals were used to try to rid individuals of these demonic influences and restore order in the community.

How do you get rid of the chlorine odor from backwash?

Chlorine in water will dissipate if left exposed to the air and sunlight for a while e.g to get rid of chlorine in bucket of water leave it standing out in the sun for a while.

How does one get rid of the caddis fly?

There are not any really effective ways to get rid of mayflies. If you have standing water around your home, get rid of it. Mayflies like wet places so try to avoid having bird baths or pools around your home.

Which essential oil is used to get rid of a migraine?

Peppermint oil is one of the most commonly used essential oils to treat headaches and migraine attacks. Check out

How do you get rid of svchost.exe popup?

svchost.exe is a very important file for your computer. It also helps you to protect you from online attacks that WAN connections from any weirdo world can attack your connection only to have a very slow internet, so that's why you must need this important file to get rid of online attacks. The svchost.exe is Windows Firewall execute file.