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Q: Why does Helen walk the long way to work?
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Who does Helen walk a mill out of her way to get to work who defends her?

Helen walks a mile out of her way to avoid a group of boys who taunt and harass her on her way to work. There is no mention of anyone defending her in this specific scenario.

Why did Helen have to walk nearly a mile out here way To Kill a Mockingbird?

Helen had to walk nearly a mile out of her way because the bridge near the Ewells' house was in poor condition and it was unsafe for her to cross. She had to take a longer route to avoid the bridge.

Can a camels walk a long way?

Yes, camels can walk a long way if they are in there territory. It's territory is desert.

Why was Helen Robinson walking a mile out her way to get to her job?

Helen was afraid to pass by the Ewell's house

How do you take a walk after your dog was killed on a walk?

It will be a slow process. It will definitely be tough in the beginning. Try and remember the good times you had together. Walk a little bit at a time until you work your way up to a long walk again.

What does link diez do when he learns that Helen walk a mile out of her way to work everyday?

He walks Helen home past the Ewells and yells:"i know every last one of you's in there a-layin' on the the floor! now hear me Bob Ewell: if i hear one more peep outa my girl Helen about not bein' able to walk this road, I'll have you in jail before sundown!" Helen then uses the road and is followed by Bob Ewell and Link Deas comes again and yells some more so Bob goes away

How many children in the world have to walk a long way to school?

it depends if they want to walk

What does Mr. Link Deas do when he learns that Helen Robinson is walking a mile out of her way to go to work each day?

Mr. Link Deas learns Helen is walking out of her way to work because Bob Ewell "chunked at her". Mr. Deas walks Helen home that day and shouts into the Ewell house that if Helen has any more trouble he will have Bob Ewell arrested.

Why does it take a long time to walk through town?

because it a long way

How do you barrel race if you haven't been riding that long?

If you haven't been riding a long time then you should go around the barrels at a walk then work your way up to a canter and gallop.

Why was helen's father not impressed with Sullivan's work?

because he didnt want her to treat his daughter that way

What do you call a long hard walk in the mountain?

Hiking? In a way?