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Q: What is the dependant independent and constant in the question time it takes to run a mile depends on the persons running speed?
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Variable is the value whose value depends upon the value of the independent variable?

The dependent variable is the variable that depends on the independent variable.

Dependent and independent variables and control?

The control is the variable that stays the same.The independent variable is the thing(s) that is being changed in the experiment.(don't have too many independent variables o your experiment will not work correctly).The dependant variable is the variable that depends the on the independent variable for the experiment.

What does dependant quantity mean?

A dependent quantity is a variable that is determined by another variable, known as the independent variable. The dependent variable's value depends on the value of the independent variable. This relationship is often represented in a mathematical or statistical model.

Factor in an experiment that results from or depends on changes to the independent variable?

In an experiment, a factor that results from changes to the independent variable is the dependent variable. The dependent variable is what researchers measure and observe to determine the effects of manipulating the independent variable. It is the outcome or response that is influenced by the changes in the independent variable.

What is the resulting ordered pair if the value of the independent variable is 2?

In order to answer that, I would have to know how the dependant and independant variables are related ... how one depends on the other one. That's called the 'function', or the 'equation in two variables'. It's probably right there, near where you copied the question from.

How many variables can be changed in an experiment?

It depends on the experiment or the category. you welcome s.a No it's the variable k.a.

What is the independent and dependent variables of a solar cell?

The answer to the question depends on what it is that you are trying to study.

Is x dependent or independent?

It depends on the context in which x is being considered. In statistics, if x represents the independent variable, then it is considered independent. However, if x represents the dependent variable, then it is considered dependent.

What kind of variable is changed to determine how it will affect the dependent variable?

The dependant variable is what you can't change, or decide, and it is affected by the independent variable. EX. If you were to see which liquid is the slowest, the independent variable would be the liquids that you can choose, and the independent variable would be how fast or slow they move, because it depends on what liquids you chose.

How are dependent and independent variables used in an experiment?

An independent variable is the variable that was changed. The dependant is what was measured. Eg. If you filled 3 cups of water - one with 1/4 of a cup, one with half a cup and one with 3/4 of a cup. Then you grab a spoon to find the highest note, then the amount of water is the independent variable and the sound is the dependant.

What is a dependent variable that is in an experiment?

A dependent variable is a factor being measured or observed in an experiment, and its value depends on the independent variable(s) being tested. It is the variable that is affected by the changes in the independent variable(s) and is used to assess the impact of the experimental manipulation.

What is the independent variable for growing mold on food?

The answer to your question depends on the experiment you are doing, but time would probably be the independent variable (and the amount of mold would be the dependent variable).