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I'm 40 year old and run 12KM every night. My usual time is between 40 and 45 minutes. I don't consider myself to be exceptionally fast, but after spending most of my life in the armed forces I'd like to believe I'm reasonably "fit". Last weekend I ran the London marathon in 3 hrs 39 and 19 with these times I'd say I'm at least consistent.

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Q: What is the average time to run 12 km?
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How long would it take to run 12 km if you are running at 9.2 km per hour?

As Velocity = Distance ÷ Time, then Time = Distance ÷ Velocity. The time taken for the run = 12 ÷ 9.2 = 1.304 hours (or 1 hour 18 minutes 16 seconds)

How many miles in a 12 km run?

Answer: 12 km = 7.45645 miles.

When you divide distance by time what do you get?

You get the average speed during that time. If you run 25 kilometers in 10 hours, your average speed is .25 km/hour.

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well im 12 and i can run 2 km in under 7 mins, so you lookin around 3 mins :D My daughter age eleven can run a 2.1 km in 6:57 and so you could look about 3:30. Depends on how fast you are!

What is the average time to run 5 km for female 41 year old?

35 to 45 minutes.

What is the average speed of 30km in 48 minutes?

To find the average speed, divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken. In this case, 30 km / 48 min = 0.625 km/min. Therefore, the average speed is 0.625 kilometers per minute.

What is the average time for a 14 yr old to run 2 km?

an awesome time would be about 6m- 6m 30s. Believe it or not I'm also 14 and p.r. for a 2k run is 5m 37s.

How fast do you have to run in km to run a 10min mile?

To achieve a 10-minute mile you will have to maintain an average speed of 9.66 km per hour.

Becky leaves home and rides a distance of 30 km It took her 2.5 hours what is her speed?

Average speed = Total Distance/Total Time = 30 km/2.5 hours = 12 km/hour.

What is a good 4 km run time?

Average would be about a 10 minute per mile pace, so 30 mins. A decent time is sub 20 minutes.