It's spelled "requiescant in pace," and it's Latin for "may they rest in peace"--the R.I.P. on a gravestone (the singular form is "requiescat in pace," "may he (or she) rest in peace").
pace in drama means tempo
No she dead
to walk at a slow pace
The pace of the game...
to walk at a slow pace
Andante is a musical term used to mean "at a moderately slow pace", usually approximated to "walking pace".
what does P.A.C.E mean in the security industry
Pace... I think
Pace is either the speed, rate of momentum or to walk back and forth in the same small area. It can also mean to move steadily, with deliberate or slower speed, as in 'pace yourself.' Pace has more than one meaning; it could mean "speed" (as in "the pace of change") or "stride" (as in "I reached him in three paces"). quickness: speed, tempo, velocity. action: stride, step, strut, stalk, jaunt, march, troop, amble. ration, steady, bridle, adjust (speed). 'Step' and 'stride' are two synonyms that can be used for 'pace' as both a noun and a verb. 'Pace' can also mean 'speed'.
If by pace you mean 's' for steps, 't' for tread, 'm' for march,
of how fast or slow your voice is!!