It starts in Anchorage, Alaska and finishes in Nome, Alaska.
by somone getting raped.
Alaska's Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race ends at Nome.
2010 race will start Saturday March 6th at 10:00am. End depends on when and if you cross the finish line. Shortest was 8 days plus and most mushers are across no later than 16 days.
A musher can have a maximum of 15 dogs to start the Iditarod race. He must have a least 5 dogs in the harness at the end to officially finish. Dogs can be dropped for many reason such as injury, illness, and attitude issue.
A contestant in the Iditarod usually has 12-16 dogs on their sled team at the beginning of the race. If less than 6 dogs are pulling the sled when they cross the finish line, the team will be disqualified.
I'm not sure but I think it is :Anchorage to Nome.
start middle end
they have to have had one 24 hour break and one 12 hours break through out the whole race
it starts in anchorage and ends in Nome. Alaska