2.4 miles in 28 minutes is a pace of 5.14 mph
Four miles in 45 minutes requires a pace of at least 5.34 mph
6.4 miles in 57 minutes is a pace of about 6.74mph
The pace is 2.4 mph
A 6K in 31 minutes equates to a pace of 7.22 miles per hour.
Your mile pace was 6.56 minutes.
Nine miles in 79 minutes equates to a pace of 6.84 miles per hour.
Your pace was 6.526 mph
The average pace if you run 17 miles in 2 hours 15 minutes is 7.56 mph
Two miles in fifteen minutes equates to a pace of 12.87 kph
2.1 miles in 8 minutes equates to a pace of 15.75 miles per hour.