What is the distance between Calais and Rouen?
The total driving distance from Calais, France to Rouen, France is 132 miles or 212 kilometers.
212 kilometres taking this route:Take A16 BOLOUGNE, from Calais, to A28 to ROUEN at SORTIE (EXIT) 23.Take A28 to Rouen.
1,355 miles (2,180 kilometres) taking this route:Follow E402 ROUEN from Calais to A11/E50 PARIS near Le Mans.Take A11/E50 to the NEXT EXIT, which is E502 to TOURS.Take E502 to E5 BORDEAUX.Follow E5 to Jerez.
From Calais to Honfleur is 171 miles and will take about 2 hrs 40 mins. Pass Abbeville and Rouen down the coast to Honfleur. Regards Mike Inman.
how many miles is it by road from France calais to Italy
288 km taking this route:Follow A16 (SUD) from Calais to A28 to ROUEN and LE HAVRE at SORTIE 23 in Abbeville.Take A28 to A29 to LE HAVRE and CAEN.Take A29 to DEAUVILLE at SORTIE 2.Follow signs to DEAUVILLE.
858 kilometres (533 miles) taking this route:Take A16 ROUEN (péage [toll]) from Calais to A28 to ROUEN at SORTIE (EXIT) 23.Take A28 down to Rouen. Once you have crossed the bridge past the tunnel, stay in the left-hand lane and head towards SOTTEVILLE.Continue straight on the roadway to A13 (to A28) to LE MANS.Take A13 to A28 (péage) to LE MANS.Take A28 (péage) down to A10 (péage) to BORDEAUX, via A11 PARIS around Le Mans.Take A10 (péage) to BORDEAUX.
from where?
how many miles from Calais to Utah Beach Normandy
575 road miles from Calais, France to Berlin, Germany.
62 miles