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Q: How long it take to walk 2.7 miles?
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If you walk at an average walking pace of say 4 miles per hour it will take you 27 hours, that's asuming you do not stop en route, if you take it steady, taking regular breaks and walk for a maximum of nine hours a day it will take you 3 days.

How long does it take to walk 2.7km?

27 minutes

How long does it take to walk 27 miles?

Average comfortable walking speed for adult humans is about 3.1 miles per hour (about 5.0 km/h). 27 m ÷ 3.1 m/h ≈ 8.7 h

How long does it take to travel 27 miles in a boat?

That depends on your speed.

How long does it take to drive 32 miles at 70mph?

27 minutes.

How long will it take to walk around 27 acres and how many mile would this be?

27 acres is about 1.18 million square feet. If this 27-acre field is in a square shape, each side will be about 1084.5 feet long, for a total perimeter of a little over 4/5 of a mile. At a normal walking pace, it would take around 20 minutes to walk around the 27-acre square field. If the 27 acres are in any shape more rectangular or irregular than a square, it will take longer to walk around. It depends upon the shape of the area of 27 acres and how fast you walk. The minimum distance around 27 acres is when the area is a circle and the circumference of it is approx 1281.5 yds ≈ 0.73 miles which, walking at about 3 mph would take about 15 minutes. Any other shape will have have a longer length of perimeter than this and so it could take any time greater than about 15 minutes that you would care to mention. Examples: A rectangle 594 yds long by 220 yds wide contains an area of 27 acres, has a perimeter of 1628 yds = 0.925 miles and at about 3 mph would take about 181/2 minutes to walk around. A rectangle 4840 yds long by 27 yds wide contains an area of 27 acres, has a perimeter of 9734 yds ≈ 5.53 miles and at about 3 mph would take about 1 hour 50 mins to walk around.

How long will it take to travel 27 miles going 2 mph?

(27 divided by 2) hours

How long would it take me to drive .3 miles at 40 miles per hour?

27 seconds

How long does it take to drive 36 miles at the speed of 80 miles per hour?

27 minutes.

How long will it take to drive 27 miles going 65?

About 25 minutes

How long will it take to go 18 miles at 40 mph?

27 minutes.

How long would it take to travel 165 miles at 357 miles an hour?

About 27 minutes, 45 seconds.